I joined the Inner Hope Volunteer Team in February 2016. I can very honestly tell you that The Lord guided me here.
I had been praying for a place to serve the Lord in my city when I saw a news story about a tragedy in an Indigenous community in Saskatchewan. This story made me start to pray for that Indigenous community. I was very aware that there was nothing I could physically do, but I prayed for the teenagers and pre-teens that needed love and direction. For three days, I prayed for those kids and asked God if there was something I could do here in Vancouver.
On the fourth day, out of nowhere, my daughter texted me, “Hey mom, you know what? I have a friend who volunteers at a place that helps Indigenous kids near where you live. I am thinking that you may be interested in bringing your cooking or baking to those kids, what do you think?” I responded… “you know what, we’ll see later about the cooking part, tell me more about that place please!”
The place, of course, was Inner Hope, and it just so happened that they work with the exact age of people I was longing to be useful to. My daughter didn’t live with me at the time, and had no idea that this had been on my heart. I know the Lord put that idea in her head and made her text me at exactly the right moment. I don’t know what to call it other than a miracle, and answer to prayer.
I had the privilege to be a mentee to an 11-year-old boy, Cristopher, who didn’t understand English and was having problems connecting with his new stepsister, Aaliyah. I got to hang out with both kids, and I used to translate conversations between them. One of them was always feeling left out. I still remember the day when the Cristopher’s English was a bit stronger and the three of us had a conversation in one language; we were laughing and had a lot of fun. The day came when he didn’t need my help anymore, but he still calls me to tell me about his successes and important moments in his life. Occasionally, I still get together with the whole family for lunch. I believe we are going to be friends forever.
Inner hope is not the place to give some help for one day or a gift at Christmas to feel good about yourself. It’s a place to get involved in a kid’s life as long as needed. The community embraces and supports young people until they are ready to pass the torch. I am thankful to God for bringing me to Inner Hope’s doors and allowing me to be useful and to make a difference in someone’s life.
I had been praying for a place to serve the Lord in my city when I saw a news story about a tragedy in an Indigenous community in Saskatchewan. This story made me start to pray for that Indigenous community. I was very aware that there was nothing I could physically do, but I prayed for the teenagers and pre-teens that needed love and direction. For three days, I prayed for those kids and asked God if there was something I could do here in Vancouver.
On the fourth day, out of nowhere, my daughter texted me, “Hey mom, you know what? I have a friend who volunteers at a place that helps Indigenous kids near where you live. I am thinking that you may be interested in bringing your cooking or baking to those kids, what do you think?” I responded… “you know what, we’ll see later about the cooking part, tell me more about that place please!”
The place, of course, was Inner Hope, and it just so happened that they work with the exact age of people I was longing to be useful to. My daughter didn’t live with me at the time, and had no idea that this had been on my heart. I know the Lord put that idea in her head and made her text me at exactly the right moment. I don’t know what to call it other than a miracle, and answer to prayer.
I had the privilege to be a mentee to an 11-year-old boy, Cristopher, who didn’t understand English and was having problems connecting with his new stepsister, Aaliyah. I got to hang out with both kids, and I used to translate conversations between them. One of them was always feeling left out. I still remember the day when the Cristopher’s English was a bit stronger and the three of us had a conversation in one language; we were laughing and had a lot of fun. The day came when he didn’t need my help anymore, but he still calls me to tell me about his successes and important moments in his life. Occasionally, I still get together with the whole family for lunch. I believe we are going to be friends forever.
Inner hope is not the place to give some help for one day or a gift at Christmas to feel good about yourself. It’s a place to get involved in a kid’s life as long as needed. The community embraces and supports young people until they are ready to pass the torch. I am thankful to God for bringing me to Inner Hope’s doors and allowing me to be useful and to make a difference in someone’s life.
Your gift of love fosters life-long friendships